The 2022 Machias Wild Blueberry Festival Quilt
The 2022 Blueberry Festival quilt is done! And this year’s custom designed quilt is exquisite! The eagerly anticipated treasure is on display and raffle tickets can be purchased.
Each year’s quilt features a different blueberry pattern. This year’s design was created and crafted by members and friends of Centre Street Congregational Church as well as Sarah Davis of Downeast Quilts and Leslie Adams McSorely of The Crafty Unicorn Quilting.
Raffle tickets will be $1 each. The winning ticket will be drawn Sunday afternoon, August 21, 2022. You don’t need to be present to win!
The quilt is on display at Machias Savings Bank.
Raffle tickets can now be purchased at the following businesses:
- Centre Street Congregational Church Mon.-Fri. 9-3
- The French Cellar
- The Crows Nest
- Berry Vines
- Machias River General Store
- Columbia Falls Pottery
Purchase raffle tickets during the Machias Wild Blueberry Festival across from Information booth next to CSCC during the festival. Prior to the festival, tickets are available from the church during the week beginning July 29th.

2022 Blueberry Festival Quilt

A team of quilters finished the 2016 Blueberry Festival Quilt.